The beginning of our history was through the founding of the company Santos & Vidal Garcia, in the city of Santos, State of São Paulo in 1995, created initially to act as a container repair and maintenance business for bulk carriers and containers that transported of cargo by cabotage and long haul, with shipment of teams for docking in the United States and China.

After a while, in 2000, the Company's headquarters moved to the state of Rio de Janeiro, in search of new opportunities with the discovery of the so-called “pre-salt” layer, changing its name to Chibras, a homage with the abbreviation of the countries, Chile and Brazil.

After some years of experience in the naval area, he acquired expertise and diversified his activities, consolidating himself in the industrial and offshore market.


Today providing quality services in the areas of construction, assembly, repairs and maintenance, we have proven ability to manage and plan medium and large industrial works, handling materials, equipment, supplies and providing specialized and trained personnel.

We are committed to continuous improvement and excellence in achieving high levels of productivity and safety in all the services we offer.

Our priority is the satisfaction of our customers and partners, acting in a competent, honest and professional manner, working from end to end to better serve our customers.

In order to improve our controls and standardization, we are in the process of auditing and implementing the “Integrated Management System” to obtain the certifications of ISO 9001: 2015 (Quality Management), ISO 14001: 2015 (Environmental Management) and ISO 45001: 2018 (Health and safety).


The headquarters and main workshop of Chibras are located in an industrial area in Rio de Janeiro in Manilha, Itaboraí on the banks of the highway BR 101, KM 298 and can operate 24 hours safely and CCTV in HD, with a design and layout totally designed in our offshore activities, two covered and interconnected warehouses and a retro open area of 3,000 m2 were built in an area of 4,000 m2 and a storage area for structures and inspection of equipment and materials.

Our complete infrastructure with a privileged location on the axis of the BR 10-KM 298 and BR 493 highways, facilitates the flow and logistics of our production, with quick access to the Presidente Costa e Silva Bridge, Metropolitan Arch, Comperj, Reduc, and easy connection with the Niterói Ports, Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro Ports, Southeast Port, Itaguaí Port, Rio das Ostras, Macaé, and Açu Port, and the Vitória and Santos Ports.


People are at the heart of our business and professional ethics are the basis for our decisions and actions. Therefore, our customers have technical and qualified personnel to meet their demands and projects.

The way we work and want to be part of society is founded on the following values: social responsibility, respect for diversity and differences.


Provide innovative and intelligent solutions through our services with fast and reliable service, creating value and providing the satisfaction of our customers, employees and partners, acting with commitment and efficiency.


Ser reconhecida por nossos clientes, colaboradores, parceiros estratégicos como a melhor empresa em soluções inovadoras, pela qualidade e desenvolvimento de negócios e serviços, atuando no mercado nacional e internacional.


It is the values of Chibras that guide the entire workforce of the company:

Customer Focus
Honesty and Ethics
Reliability and Integrity
Skills Development

Nossa Estrutura

A matriz e oficina principal da Chibras estão localizadas no Rio de Janeiro, BR 101, Km 298, em dois galpões cobertos e interligados, com 4.500 m2 e uma retro área aberta de 3.000 m2, de fácil acesso para carretas e guindastes. Com infraestrutura e localização privilegiadas, escoa sua produção facilmente, tendo acesso rápido à Ponte Rio x Niterói, ao Porto de Itaguaí através do Arco Metropolitano, a Macaé, a Rio das Ostras, a Porto do Açu, além dos portos do Rio de Janeiro e Niterói, vias que utiliza para o transporte de estruturas e peças com excesso de peso e dimensão.